Sunday, August 19, 2012

I don't know why I'm here.
Job hunting makes me want to literally off myself.
I have no "skills" "desire". No passion. I'm not good at anything.
I'm fucking 28 years old. My 10 year High School Reunion was tonight.
And I was working at Whole Foods.
Where the general public is killing my soul.
Get out? But where? I don't want to do anything.
I truly believe the only thing I will ever be good at is "doing nothing". Lock me up.
I know this is a copout. I'm fucking stupid.

1 comment:

  1. I feel the same way. All of my friends are either graduating with their masters, getting into law/med school, and I'm a server at a restaurant, in community college with no real major, basically just staying in school because I don't want to have to pay my student loans back.

    Everyone has a calling in life, sometimes we just get lost and forget things we love to do.
