Saturday, February 4, 2012

New Day...plans in the works

So...apologies first off for that last post. I absolutely HATE being interupted...but it had been so long since I'd updated. Anyways, I've started running again. It took my awhile to get back to it because after moving I went into "ahhh! I'm afraid to go outside" mode. Which sucked...because I was also eating a bit more than usual. Okay...a lot more. Anyways, it is important for me to keep up my running and workout routine which is why I'm not going to restrict as heavily as before. 

Breakfast: nuts and almond yogurt
Lunch: salad
Dinner: soup and fruit

This meal plan should let me fall around 1000 calories a day. If I keep up with my minimum of 3 miles a day running. 1 mile walking (with dogs) and 30 minutes of workout video (Jillian Michael's Ripped in 30) I fall somewhere under 800. Binge days as usual require 10 miles of running. 

Anyways, I hope to be able to properly update soon. I'm seriously lacking the money but I need to get internet in my apartment. Love you guys. Thanks for reading. :)