Monday, May 7, 2012


Hello all you beautiful girls. I have missed this place...along with PT (holy changes). Life has been trucking along as usual. After a terrible bout of bingeing I leveled out for a bit, was eating "normal" amounts of total crap, and then went into "Yeah! I want to be healthy...yes let's be healthy"...went raw, started eating "regularly", working out again...running. And it hasn't been enough. I still feel shitty, and I've caught myself skipping meals and upping my running again. Which always leads me back to here. I'm snuggling in again. I have internet starting on Thursday. I will be starting a new blog that will be attached to this one where I will...wait for it....vlog. Yes a blog just of vlogs.

Anyways, in depressing news, tomorrow is my two year anniversary of my first suicide attempt. Oh how dramatic that sounds. Sunday is my birthday. Today I'm fasting....for no particular reason except that it's Monday and Monday really should be a fasting day. Sondra (previously called Lynndsey...but fuck it I don't feel like changing her name every time) and I are still dating. Trisha hates me. But everyday I fall more and more in love with Sondra. I started taking an adult beginning ballet class which I love. This is my fourth week. The only bit I hate is squeezing into tights and a leotard and watching myself wobble around in front of the mirror. But it really is fun :) I'm running my first official 5K on the 20th so that's exciting. Hmmm...I believe that's it for now. Sorry for the spazzy update.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, this is quite sad, actually. I mean the suicide attempt anniversary. I hope you spent it well (yeah, that is rather weird to say for an occasion like that).
    Anyways, have a wonderful birthday!
    Oh, ballet classes are amazing. I love ballet so much. It is so beautiful, so graceful. And I'm running a 5K as well in a couple of days. I think it's gonna be great!

    ~ Meg
