Thursday, November 21, 2013

Natural methods vs therapy.

First, thank you everyone who responded to my last post. I really appreciate the support and love that I always get from this blog. You are all lovely <3

So, I emailed my therapist last night. I kept it really short and simple. Mainly because I am angry, and I don't want to be rude. I just said that I will not be in on Friday and I would like to cancel the rest of my appointments. Minutes later I get a response asking if we could talk about it, and how she doesn't feel therapy should be ended through email or message...(seriously? is this the equivalent of breaking up with someone via text?...well shit, now I feel bad)...and would I be willing to come in for one more session. I responded with a sorry for doing this through email, I would have called but I hate phones and I didn't want to just NOT show up on Friday. I also stated that we pretty much discussed my reasoning for not coming back at the last session and felt it would be pointless to come in again. I also said, I would just like to be done. AND cue another response. Can we talk about this? I can call you tomorrow anytime before 2. alskdjfalksdjflakjdfa. This response irritates me. DID YOU NOT READ MY LAST MESSAGE!??? I hate phones!!! Gah! So, I didn't respond. I will not pick up the phone...and I hope that she will leave it at that. I hate being an asshole. I know I'm being dramatic....but this just isn't going to work. Therapy doesn't work for me. I should have figured this out with over 10 years of failed therapy under my belt.

I know Sondra is so upset. I feel I have failed her and our relationship. My last ditch effort was telling her I would make an appointment and get started on some medication. I want her to know that I DO want to be a better person....for her. And there lies the problem. One of the main reasons therapy sucked was because I am doing this for Sondra. I love her so much, I was willing to sit in complete discomfort for an hour a week. And my therapist saw this. Therapy won't work if you aren't doing it for yourself. REALLY? Guess I'm screwed then because I will NEVER willingly lock myself in a room with a stranger to happily talk about my feelings. NEVER. *SSSSIIIIIIGGGGGHHHHHH*

Sondra and I also discussed alternative methods...which of course, I'm more apt to try. Looking into acupuncture and seeing a naturopath or naturalpath (I can't spell and I really don't care enough at this point to go figure it out). Anyone use alternative methods to therapy? Curious about your success with them.

1 comment:

  1. Oh god, that's a really breakup-esque end to therapy. As frustrating as it is, I guess she didn't want to just say "okay, goodbye" straight out because it'd give the impression that she doesn't care at all.

    I've never used alternative therapies, so I have no real advice to give. I'd be really interested to hear about anything you try; therapy and talking don't do much for me either.

    Also, I hate phones too. I've never been able to talk on the phone.

    Take care xx
