Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Playdoe Food

You guys remember that scene in Hook? Am I dating myself? There is a food fight scene where the food is all this clay gunk. I can't remember much of it. All I know is that all my food is tasting like this. I've been eating in...quite a bit. And I've realized I'm putting crap in my mouth without any taste. It all tastes the same and it's depressing. I suppose this is why I'm excited to begin my detox. Reset things, my body, life.

The world....and bear with me this is going to be dramatic and emo....seems quite overwhelming to me at the moment. I'm moving...and it's more stressful than I thought it would be. My pups have moved in with my parents and Willy (my cat) is at Sondra's (where I'll be living). I have been going after work to pack a few things here and there but it's so depressing in that space without my animals :'( Ugh. I hate going there but I have to finish packing this week. Anyways, where I was going with this bit was that whenever there is one thing overwhelming me it seems to be my brains cue to kick into overanxious gear. Everything I look at becomes a way to kill myself, a way out. And why? I was driving home yesterday and become horribly depressed and overwhelmed with all the killing in the world. This mainly starts when I see cows on fields as I pass by. And it snowballs. I love how my answer to so much killing in this word is to kill myself. Blah. 'nuff of that.

I think I finally found my Pretty Thin replacement. I was seriously getting bummed out. I'm over at Project Shape-Shift now and I'm really liking it so far. Any of you there as well?

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