Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Day Before

I feel my mood draining. It's interesting to sit back and watch it. I'm starting to wonder when it WILL be necessary to bring up my reoccurring suicidal thoughts to this new therapist. I miss B.

 I'm craving my own apartment. I want to be sick in it. This is messed up...I KNOW. I have nothing new to say.

Tomorrow is the first. Best days of the year are on the first. I'm getting my scale (so I don't have to use the one upstairs), my new running jacket, and getting my playlist all set up. Sorry for the crappy update.


  1. Thank you for your comment. I'd advise that you bring up your suicidal thoughts to someone... sometimes, that's the only way to get through. That, and just trying to make day by day. As for the apartment craving, I get that myself. I long for the independence.

  2. I would bring up your feelings, it's hard but it's the right thing to do, support all the way, keep strong beautiful xx
