Friday, December 9, 2011

My Baby Alien

So had a pretty good day yesterday despite being completely exhausted. Yes, that meeting was far too early. Got a bit giddy because a girl I'm kind of fun crushing on wants me to teach her to we might get together next week. She is probably straight as an arrow...which is fine...because I'm definitely asexual. (I still haven't blogged about that...hmmm) I just like being in her presence. 

Anyways, I had this really awesome drink called "GoodBelly"...anyone had it? We sell them in these tiny containers at work and it's 100 cals. I needed it on my 10min because I felt like I was going to pass out. It gave me a good boost of energy. Then at lunch I had a cup of veggie soup. Got home around 9pm...ran for 3 miles (I don't know why I did that I only needed to do 2...but I was on a roll) and then fell asleep after my shower. Woke up this morning and had the hardest time dragging myself out of bed and out onto the sidewalk for a crappy 2mile run. Worst yet I'd say. Had a really difficult time pushing myself but once I start a workout I don't stop. 

Also, creepy moment. I was taking my shirt off after I I'm standing in front of the mirror, topless with my arms raised over my head and I can SEE my heart  pumping...right underneath my boob (tmi sorry) but it looked like it was going to JUMP out of my chest! I stood there for a good 5 minutes just watching it. Fascinating. It looked like a tiny alien. Weird.


  1. Knitting is so fun and therapeutic :)
    Oo well done on the intake and running :) shame about the morning run though :/
    Haha that's so weird, I'm having trouble picturing what that would look like, but it sounds so strange!
    Lottie x

  2. Great intake, and well done for the run :) And i know!!! I can see my heart too when i look down, it looks creepy! But it means THIN :) No fat covering it up :) xx

  3. Well done on the intake and exercise, you inspire me to push myself to do as well! The alien thing sounds odd, though... can't really picture it. You're awesome, xx
